Outside Thoughts, Podcast

My Interview with Sapphire Sandalo

More than enough time has passed for me to share this here–an interview I was very fortunate to have with Sapphire Sandalo, creator of the popular “Something Scary” YouTube series / podcast, who has since progressed to the podcast “Stories with Sapphire.” Her podcast is fantastic, her generosity and thoughtfulness are outstanding, and she’d have to kick my mom down the stairs for me to ever stop appreciating her for giving me an opportunity to share some thoughts I have on race and horror. Here’s a link to her site where you can listen to the interview.

I only delayed in putting it up here because I’m positive my site doesn’t get nearly the traffic that her podcast does, and thought it would be weird for anyone coming to my site by way of her podcast to then immediately see a post prompting them to turn back around and listen to the interview again. I probably overthought it. Anyway, thanks once again to Sapphire for the opportunity.