Behind Your Face There is an interview format podcast in which I talk to authors about one of three general topics:
- Author’s Commentaries – In which the writer covers not just what they’ve written, but what they had to leave off the page, keep housed in their imagination, for a variety of reasons. Similar to the Director’s Commentary of a Blu-Ray, combined with the deleted scenes.
- Studying the Scares – In which my guest and I discuss what we think makes a particular scene, theme, or overall story as scary as it is. From the fears of child abduction present in Poltergeist (and how the perspective on that can change from seeing it first as a child, to seeing it later as a parent), to the escalating stakes and terrors in the last act of The Exorcist. And, of course, considerably more.
- I Loved This! – In which my guest gets to gush as much as they want about a story they absolutely love.
Listen to Behind Your Face There is a Place on your preferred podcasting platform.